
06.02.2020  19:52

新闻网讯(通讯员陈婉兰 记者付晓歌)日前,武汉大学官方微信推出的《武大外籍师生:我们留在这里!》让很多人认识了来自俄罗斯的亚历山大·托夫托皮亚特。他是武汉大学的一名外籍教师,于2019年12月入职武汉大学工业科学研究院。






“Good morning. Today I received a message from the embassy of the Russian Federation with a decree of the president on the evacuation of citizens of the Russian Federation. I did not feel in danger here for a second, and this is a great merit of the entire leadership of the university and you personally. Leaving Wuhan, I will continue to make my best effort to convey to the world how information about the state of affairs and the real situation in the city is not objectively covered in the media.

I will be quarantined upon arrival in Russia, but I will be in touch all the time and continue to work. Over articles, over a proposal and I am ready to help you in any work that I can do remotely. After quarantine, I will agree with Moscow State University and I will be able to conduct a couple of experiments in their laboratory.

As soon as the city opens and quarantine falls, I will return to our university on the first flight. I managed to fall in love with Wuhan University with all my heart during this time.”
